Enyx Studios
Enyx Studios is shaping the future of interactive storytelling using virtual reality. The company was founded in 2015 by Don Hileman and is a video game development studio focused on creating interactive experiences for gamers using technologies such as virtual reality. Enyx Studios is a YBI portfolio company and has an office in Youngstown, OH.
With the gaming industry continuously growing year after year and with the upcoming release of virtual reality headsets, Enyx Studios founder Don Hileman saw an opportunity and applied to become an Approved Developer for both Xbox and PlayStation. After being accepted into both developer program, Enyx began developing an interactive, immersive experience for PlayStation VR. After reviewing the game concept, PlayStation not only approved it but also has been working with Enyx Studios to ensure the success of Enyx’s upcoming virtual reality game “A Haunting: Witching Hour”. Enyx Studios plans on releasing “A Haunting: Witching Hour” this fall for the PlayStation 4.